Teenager Have Acne? What They Can Do About It

It's difficult to be a teenager these days with social media and the ability to spread photos or information quickly from person to person. It can be even more difficult for a teenager who struggles with acne issues. If your teenager has issues with acne, there are things you can do to help them and things they can do themselves to help. Getting your teenager to the dermatologist is one thing that should be done immediately, as some types of acne may need medical creams or ointments. [Read More]

3 Signs You Should Visit A Dermatologist

Your skin is the largest and most visible organ. As years go by, it's likely to undergo numerous changes due to the rigors of life. For that reason, you need to take care of it by working with a competent dermatologist. Like most people, you might not know when to book an appointment. Discussed in the article are the signs you should look out for. 1. Abnormal Moles In most cases, moles are nothing much to worry about since they are relatively common and usually harmless. [Read More]

5 Questions You Should Ask Your Dermatologist

No matter how old you are or what your skin type is, it is a good idea to see a dermatologist once a year for a checkup. They can assess the condition of your skin and detect issues that you may have missed. Your appointment is also a great opportunity to ask your dermatologist questions. Here are a few questions you should ask during your next appointment at a dermatologist clinic. [Read More]

5 Ways To Get Your Skin Ready For Spring

The cold and harsh weather of winter is started to retreat, which means it is time to give your skin a spring make-over. Winter air can leave your skin a little dull and rough, which is why you are going to want to give your skin a little love this spring. #1: Start Exfoliating First, you are going to want to start exfoliating a few times a week. Exfoliating is easy and can be achieved by rubbing your face in small circles with an exfoliating cleanser. [Read More]